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D Magazine’s 50 Greatest Stories: An Argument For Moving Back In With Mom

In 2009, former dining critic Nancy Nichols moved back in with her mom and, three years later, wrote one of the greatest stories that we've ever published.
Just a few reasons why you might consider moving back in with your elderly mother. illustration by PJ Loughran

In 2011, Nancy Nichols, then D Magazine’s dining critic, got personal in our pages. Newly single and the proud owner of 2.5 pounds of Costco almonds, Nancy decided to move in with her mother. She sold her home near Bachman Creek and settled into her mom’s near Preston Center, which they soon began calling Grey Gardens. Big and Little Edie, scaring family members with Christmas gifts of old pill bottles and pantyhose, watching TV, sipping gin and tonics, sharing dog walking duties, putting Netflix DVDs back in their sleeves. (Remember that?)

“You Can Go Home Again” is one of the 50 greatest stories that has run in this magazine. It’s one of those beautiful essays that are never more perfect as when they are published in a magazine, a chance to reflect on your own life and family as you learn about someone else’s, tears and laughter and all. I don’t want to spoil it, so I’ll leave you to it. I need to go call my mom.


Matt Goodman

Matt Goodman

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Matt Goodman is the online editorial director for D Magazine. He's written about a surgeon who killed, a man who…